Saturday, May 28, 2011

Map porn, dead poets and a friendly hello

Hello!  My friend Nick and I share things with each other: music, nature, art and kind words.  Cookies, sometimes.  We also love sharing with other people.  In college, the two of us started an environmental reading and media group, but then we got real jobs.  Yada Yada.  And then I made the mistake of calling a barred owl a "bard owl."

. . . So now we have this blog.

Last week, Nick and I discussed what our first blog post would be.  I said map porn and old Bruce Springsteen.

But that was last week.  This morning my friend shoved headphones at me and played "Where Did the Night Go" before breaking the news that Gil Scott-Heron died.  I've been listening to his poems the rest of the day.

Also big news among the right circles is the rising Missouri River.  The Army Corps of Engineers is releasing 110,000 cubic feet per second from its dams (the previous record was 70,000 cfs), and the higher-than-average snow upriver hasn't even begun to melt.  Brace yourselves.

This is mostly a test post.  We'll see how it goes.